Thursday, 12 April 2012

You gotta have faith.
Without faith, you're immobilised. Stuck.
Everyone has faith. Even the best atheists have faith.
The trouble is, only a few people seem to realise this.
Drive down a highway. Without faith in the other drivers, you'd have to pull over every time a car goes past. But you have faith in their abilities, and the engineers that designed your automobiles, and you drive on past without giving it a second thought.
Hop into an elevator. Climb into an aeroplane. Catch a train.
There is a gap growing between 'people of faith' and the modern secularised world.
The argument is that people of faith trust in something that they cannot see.
My argument is that everyone does that. All the time.
It's just that most people don't think about it.

So... who do you put your faith in?

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